Educators are transfixed, mesmerized, confused, and terrified by AI. So they attend any available workshop and buy Ed Tech AI tools that will 'transform' learning. What they don't know is that AI carries the seeds of destruction of the standardized system. As it destructs, Nature will be popular, especially as climate accelerates the change process. Stay strong. You will be needed.

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Thanks Thom. I'm ready. And yes - ed tech (of which AI is the shiniest) is so dominant. I'm glad nature had a seat at a mainstream edu conference though. And I'll keep showing up. And I will stay strong. You too!

And, for what it's worth, I think we could replace "Educators" in that first sentence with a royal "We."

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Agree on the 'We'.

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Jun 26Liked by Becca Katz

“All.the.parties.” 💕

I can relate to your experience. It is one I know well from presenting nature based subjects at numerous conferences. Deep breath, invite folks to come closer, try not to feel rejected, dismissed, less than, and speak from my heart to the people who showed up to my party.

AI is cool 😎 it’s hot, it’s now and it’s new (ish). We like new and shiny things. They distract us. Nature in contrast is slow, it’s always, it’s hidden from view. We need to pay attention to “see” nature and natural systems. And in the process of slowing down we feel. And feelings are sometimes uncomfortable (even joy, especially joy….).

Yes! AI is a tool (among many). So yes, learn the tool. The more interesting question is, what are we building and why?

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And landscape design parties. And architecture parties... Am I right? Thanks Anna!

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